Brand new boo |
I have been in a phase of waxing/waning singleness for some time now. The reason? I have a graduate degree and the men who want to date me aren't yet voluntarily wearing shirts, brushing their teeth, or completing their GED....translation= I bike 30 miles or run 5 miles a day and watch more episodes of True Blood than a God fearing girl should. What once felt like a vow of singleness has evolved into an "if I can't update you as "my man" on facebook without my mom feeling obligated to give me a cash bonus to remaining single, I'll have to bow out. Kentucky has amazing people, I have friends who never cease to uplift and enlighten, however I've also been on blind dates with men with no teeth, one brought a semi-automatic handgun to a date to walk dogs, one ate all my artisan cheeses and did laundry every time we had a date which involved my apartment. To prove my point, I give you google images result of "kentucky man". To all my lady friends pursuing PhD's, brushing their teeth, doing situps, or avoiding snorting lortabs, you can give up the ghost- this is the sample size of our choices...and yes- that's turtle man bottom right. My first step? I took off my bra and put something in the oven, aka, my "workshop."
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